
Soil acidifier pH4 is complete with a mini-laboratory in the form of a litmus tester.
Growing many plants requires specific conditions for their growth. One of the important requirements is the acidity of the soil pH, which may not meet the requirem..
NPK mineral Fertilizer for conifers.
Минеральное удобрение для хвойников.
Гранулированное удобрение для хвойных пород (NPK) подходит для некорневых удобрений для всех видов хвойных пород. Минеральное удобрение для хвойных пород гарантирует прав..
Fertilizer for mossy lawn - granular mineral fertilizer with special additives that neutralize the activity of moss growth.
Its principle of operation is based on a short-term, but sharp decrease in the acidity of the upper soil layer pH. Since..
Tomato plant and vegetable fertilizer: NPK (11-11-21), (Mg,S) (+2,6+25), microelements (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn).
Granular complex fertilizer for fertilizing vegetable garden and greenhouse soil, vegetable seedlings, outdoor and greenho..
Chlorine-free, granular, mineral fertilizer for vegetables (N + P + K + Mg + S + B).
N - 11 (total nitrogen = ammonium nitrogen 9 + amide nitrogen 2).
P2O5 - 9 (water-soluble phosphorus).
K2O - 20 (water soluble potassium).
Mg - 1.5 (water-s..
Complex mineral fertilizer for flower crops.
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for feeding flower seedlings, indoor, balcony and street flowers, as well as flowering shrubs with magnesium, sulfur and microelements (boron, copper, manganese) ..
Chlorine-free, granular, mineral fertilizer for tomatoes (N + P + K + Mg + S + B).
N - 11 (total nitrogen = ammonium nitrogen 9 + amide nitrogen 2).
P2O5 - 9 (water-soluble phosphorus).
K2O - 20 (water soluble potassium).
Mg - 1.5 (water-sol..
5-level seed sowing dispenser - "mini seeder".
Designed for precise sowing of small-seeded crops (from 1 to 10 mm).
The design of the dispenser allows you to select the required diameter for point planting: it consists of a seed container..
Water-retaining granules (hydrogel).
A granular absorbent that absorbs, accumulates and supplies plants with moisture or dissolved nutrients according to their needs.
It is used to care for all types of plants: trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers, berrie..
"Tigutõrje" is a molluscicide for slugs and snails.
Molluscicide of natural origin, damaging and drying up the mucous glands of snails.
Safe for earthworms and beneficial insects.
How to apply.
Scatter the powder around the ..
YELLOW MUSTARD "BRACO" (White mustard) - Sinapis alba L.
Category: C.
Annual, nectariferous, medicinal, spice plant. Grows best in light clay/sandy loam. Grows fast. Seeds and young leaves (which have a hot taste) are used ..
Yellow mustard "Braco" (White mustard) - Sinapis alba L.
Category: C.
Annual, nectariferous, medicinal, spice plant. Grows best in light clay/sandy loam. Grows fast. Seeds and young leaves (which have a hot taste) are used ..
Plastic nails for fixing film and agrotextiles with a wide clip.
Material colour: black.
Nail length: 12,5 cm.
In a package: 20 pieces.
Natural fruit formation stimulator "Ovary" accelerates fruit ripening by 5-7 days, increases yield by 15-30 percent, provides foliar feeding of plants with a complex of macro- and microelements. The use of the drug is especially effective i..
''NeemAzal - T/S''- Bio insecticide.
Biological insecticide based on the Azadirachta indica shrub.
Active ingredient: Azadirachtone (10 g/l).
* an environmentally friendly product of natural origin, which can be safely used ..
''NeemAzal - T/S''- Bio insecticide.
Biological insecticide based on the Azadirachta indica shrub.
Active ingredient: Azadirachtone (10 g/l).
* an environmentally friendly product of natural origin, which can be safely used ..
Polymer mesh to support cucumbers in vertical cultivation (1.7 x 20 m).
Cell size 15 x 17 cm.
It is also used to create a support for climbing flowers.
Nitrofoska (NPK: 15-15-15).
Mineral fertilizer containing nutrients important for plants in a suitable proportion.
Suitable for almost all horticultural and field crops in spring and summer. Helps strengthen and grow plants.
1,0 kg = 40..
Common oat "Donna".
"Green fertilizer".
Green manure from a cereal crop enriches the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, prevents leaching of humus, loosens and structures the earth well.
Plants are undemanding t..
Common oat "Kalle" - Avena sativa L.
"Green fertilizer". 200 g = 10 m2.
Green manure from a cereal crop enriches the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, prevents leaching of humus, loosens and structures..
Horseradish "Rafano" (green manure).
A fast-growing green crop that excels as a green manure.
a productive and fast-growing crop that can be sown from early spring to late autumn. In 1.5 months, it goes through all stages from germination..
EC FERTILIZER. Fertilizer type: C.2.1.
NPK mineral fertilizer solution with trace minerals (boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc) NPK 5-5-7 + microelements: B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn.
Composition: nitrogen(N) – 5% (nitrate ..
Special mix from natural substances for growing and replanting of orchids and other epiphytic plants. The mix is porous, absorbs water and holds moisture, is free from disease vectors.
Soil composition: 75% mulch, 10% perlite, 3% lava, 5% charc..
Soil substrate for orchids and epiphytic plants.
For transplanting orchids and other epiphytic plants, a soil was created, the composition of which provides good water permeability, friability and a favourable air regime for the soil.
Soil composit..